
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Week 7 Story: Careful Wording

“Why am I so ugly?” the princess asked her self. She was wealthy and smart, but ugly as sin. One day she became so upset by her appearance that she broke her mirror and stormed out the house. She walked the woods much farther than she had ever ventured before and came upon a witch.

“Oh enchantress, can you help make me beautiful? Will you replace my terrible looks with something better?”

The princess knew the risk of asking a witch for help, but she was willing to take any chance to become something pretty.

“I can give you a new face, a new head, to crown your body with that shall match the crown you already wear”.

Her crown was quite a site to see, and she was so delighted she immediately asked for the witch to change her.

“Here, drink this and your head shall match your crown.” Without a second thought the girl downed the whole bottle, and suddenly - everything went black! She could not speak, she could not see, she could not hear a thing! Frantic she started panicking until suddenly felt a weight on her neck.

“There - a head as beautiful as your crown.” The witch gave the girl a mirror - and it was true! Her skin was smooth, her teeth were straight, her hair shined.

“Oh thank you so much!” The princess started to turn, but as she did the witch laughed.

“You vain idiot, you forgot the glue!”

The princess was confused, “what glue?” she asked.

“Why, to keep your new head on of course. Your crown is beautiful but it is not apart of you, just like this head is beautiful but not apart of you. And as you must shine a crown every day to keep it pristine, you must take off and clean your head every day - otherwise it will become infected and explode.”

The princess was appalled and angry by the witches actions. “I asked to be beautiful, and you have cursed me!”

“You asked for me to replace your terrible looks with something better, I have done exactly that!” said the witch - and to it the princess replied with a knife. She lunged at the witch and stabbed her to death.

As she died, the witch's body glowed a sickly green. The light that surrounded her rose into the air. The princess was so struck by the sudden oddity she couldn’t do anything but stare. As she gazed, the light suddenly plunged into her heart. Now the princess was not just cursed, but also a witch.

image source

Authors Note:

When I read the original Russian story it was about a headless princess who was also a witch. A young boy passed by her window and saw her washing her head, and when she died she basically haunted him as revenge when he told everyone what he saw. The Russian stories always leave me with questions as they’re wild and all over the place. This one made me want to write a story about how a princess would end up as a witch with a removable head.


  1. Hi Selena! This story made me laugh because I had never read a story about someone having a removable head and having to clean it everyday. Your author’s note was very detailed and it helped to see the connections you made between the original story and your own version. Your story was very insightful and I can’t wait to read some more of your stories!

  2. I really like the description and detail that you included in this story. When a story includes descriptive details, it allows the reader to see what is happening rather than only reading what is happening. It is really nice to be able to picture in my mind everything that is happening. Oh wow I wasn’t expecting the princess to kill the witch! I also didn’t expect for the princess to have the witch spirit come inside of her body. This was a great story! Very creative!

  3. Hey Selena!
    I vaguely remember reading a story that was similar to this, but I don't think I had read all of it. Your rendition was well-written and easy to follow along. I really enjoyed the details you had in the last paragraph! I also think you did a great job managing the dialogue and making sure there was enough narrative to supplement the conversation. Thanks for the story!

  4. Hey Selena!
    This was a really cool story. I also really enjoyed the image at the end! Such a spooky picture. I have not read the original story but this retelling was a really fun read! I did not expect the princess to kill the witch at all! This was such a cool story! Good job!

  5. Hey Selena! I just finished reading your story and I loved it! I thought it was so well-written and easy to understand. Your story was so unique and a bit funny, which I enjoyed. The picture that you uploaded it is a bit creepy but fitting to your story! I look forward to reading more of your stories in the future. Overall, nicely done!
