
Monday, September 24, 2018

Reading Notes: The Three Evils, Part B.

A young man was kind of a brat, and he was a strong brat that no one would discipline. He dressed of wealth, gambled and drank, stole from others, and overall was just a real jerk.

One day, a new guy came to town and heard all the peoples' complaints, of which were the three evils. He dressed as a poor man and sat in front of the young man's house - crying. When the young man found him at his doorstep he made fun of him, and said there was nothing to cry about.

The new guy told him of the three evils. 1 a  dragon that lives in a river making it flow very high and drowns everyone near it 2 a tiger 3 the young man.

The young man was ashamed and set out to make life better. He slayed the tiger and pulled the dragon from the water after killing it.

To deal with the final evil, he left his village and became a soldier. He won a great reputation in battle and after he could no longer fight, fell upon his sword to atone for his sinful life.

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