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Act 2, Scene 4
Ross and an old man speak of the omens and signs that the day the king died was a bad day. Macduff enters, suggesting the sons ran because they were bribed to kill their son with the prize of being king themselves. They also speak of Macbeth being crowned.
Act 3, Scene 1
Banquo ponders the possibility that things are all too good to be true for Macbeth. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth enter and awkward conversation ensues. When Macbeth is alone, he thinks of his fear of Banquo and of the prophecy the witches gave - him a childless king and Banquo a kingless father of kings. Two murderers are brought to him, and Macbeth makes them believe it is Banquo's fault their lives are so terrible and not his. He orders/asks them to kill Banquo in a way that will leave him with no possible link to the crime, so he can grieve to their mutual friends without suspicion. the murderers agree.
Act 3, Scene 2
Lady Macbeth starts to feel guilt, all these crimes will be for nothing if she does not feel happy in the end. Macbeth and her chat about how they cannot relax yet, and Macbeth seems to have learned from his mistakes before and tells her she is better left in the dark for this next part. He asks her to make Banquo feel special, as right now it is important that they act normal.
Act 3, Scene 3
The murderers attack Banquo with the help of a third man. During the struggle the torch lighting the area goes out, and on his dying breath Banquo tells his son to flee. The murderers have failed half of their duty, and leave to go warn Macbeth.
Act 3, Scene 4
The first murderer informs Macbeth that though Banquo is dead, his son escaped. Macbeth is troubled but knows his son is no threat at the moment like Banquo was. He returns to entertaining his guests when suddenly he sees the Ghost of Banquo in his chair. He starts to freak out, insisting someone is in the chair everyone else says is empty. His wife tries to cover for him, and to him berates him for freaking out over something so silly as a hallucination. After composing himself, he apologizes to his guests for his outburst. The ghost returns, Macbeth freaks out, Lady Macbeth makes fun of him, and the ghost leaves. After this repeated onslaught of craziness, Lady Macbeth orders everyone to leave. They discuss his outbursts and he says he is suspicious of Macduff, but it is late and he will see the witches tomorrow to find out more information. He thinks it will be equally hard to go back to being good as it is to keep killing (but I guess he's gonna keep on keepin on).
Act 3, Scene 5
The witches leader is pissed, apparently they told Macbeth his prophecy without her permission. But all will be well, as he is coming tomorrow and they can right their wrong. They will make him crazier with more illusions. The witches talk trash on Macbeth, that he is spoiled and will mock death like only a fool would.
Act 3, Scene 6
Lennox think's Banquo's son must have murdered him, since he his no where to be found. Here he mentions how great of Macbeth it was to kill those two servants before they even woke up. But apparently all do not see Macbeth is so great, as Macduff and Malcolm are seeking alliances to overthrow Macbeth. Macbeth had ordered Macduff to return and he refused. Lennox ends things by saying Macduff should return, and free them from the bad king that is Macbeth.
Act 4, Scene 1
The witches are busy making a charm when Macbeth enters, demanding answers. They make an apparition appear that can read his thoughts. One tells him to beware Macduff. A second apparition appears, stating he should fear no man born of a woman. The third says that he will never be defeated until Birnam Wood comes against him at Dunsinane Hill. As Macbeth demands to know if Banquo's children will reign, he is once again met with Banquo's ghost. The dead Banquo is happy to show Macbeth that at least 8 of his descendants will rule. Finding out from Lennox that Macduff has fled, he is angry that he did not act on his impulse when he had the chance and vows to be impulsive in the future.
Act 4, Scene 2
Lady Macbeth expresses anger that Macbeth is gone and Ross tries to ease her nerves that Macbeth knows what he's doing. Lady Macbeth talks of him being dead, and tells her son that Macbeth is a traitor. A messenger interrupts their conversation to warn them that something bad comes this way, and they should leave while they can. The murderers enter soon after, and man oh man are they angry. They stab Lady Macbeths son for being the son of a traitor, as they say Macbeth is. Lady Macbeth flees as she is chased by the murderers, carrying her dead son.
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