
Monday, September 17, 2018

Reading Notes: Goblins: The Snake's Poison, Part B

Story source: Twenty-Two Goblins, translated by Arthur W. Ryder, with illustrations by Perham W. Nahl (1917).

A prince wakes to see his wife has been taken, unknowingly to him by a fairy named Love-Speed. He is very distraught and his family tries to console him to no avail. He gave all he had to the Brahmans and set off to search holy places for his wife. He roamed through dreaded heat. The wife of Brahmans felt bad for him, seeing him starving she gave him food to take to eat near their pond. Right as he was about to eat, a passing hawk with a snake in it's claws died and dripped poison onto his dish without him seeing it. He thought the wife of Brahmans poisoned him, and as she searched for a doctor he died. Brahmans did not believe her, and thought she poisoned him on purpose. 

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The goblin tells this story to the king, and asks who killed the man - the hawk, snake, or wife. The king said none of them were to blame, as the man was to blame for accusing the woman of poisoning him. 

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