
Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Topic Research

Here I explored Macbeth on Wikipedia and I have an idea to write a story about Lady Macbeth being behind all the mayhem. Unlike Macbeth, she has no hesitation to killing the king to become queen herself, and that made me think of her scheming with the witches to entice her husband to commit the murder and tell the story from her point of view as a villain. It will tell the entire story, in a much more condensed form - This could be an entire storybook in itself broken up as:

Introduction: Lady Macbeth's unhappiness with her status, meeting the witches and asking them to help her become queen (starting out without malice).
1. She receives the letter confirming the witches have started the chain of events and becomes malicious. Here she plots, and then commits the act with her husband, continuously manipulating him to keep killing others

2. She is haunted by the same ghosts that Hamlet is, where they guilt her for manipulating him and pointing out she is still worthless even as a queen - will she feel guilt? Rage? I'm not sure yet.

3. Hamlet kills himself instead, and she is left with the aftermath. Once revealed, they mistake her for a witch rather than someone who asked witches for help and they burn her at the stake.
image source

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