
Monday, October 22, 2018

Reading Notes: The Land of the Dead, Part B

A young woman died, and when she found herself dead she went to sleep. She awoke to someone shaking her, saying you are not asleep - you are dead so you must get up.

She realized she was in her grave and it was her grandfather shaking her. She went with him back to the village, but the homeland was gone. Now it was a new village, weird and different. The old man told her to go into one of the houses, and when she did the homeowner picked up a stick and asked what she wanted. The young woman ran away crying, and her grandfather said this is a village of dog shades - she has just been in the experience of a stray dog, and now she knows how they feel when people beat them.

In the next village she saw a man laying on the ground, but with grass growing through his joints. He could move but the grass tied him down, not allowing him to get up. This realm was where people were punished for pulling up plants when they didn't need them. The grandfather disappear.

The girl wandered into a new village, but found a river blocking it. This was a river of tears from people on earth who wept for the dead. She could not cross the river, and her own tears fell into the river as she cried. Suddenly, a boat floated down the river and using it as a bridge, she crossed the stream. The other dead could smell her, and openly wondered who she was and where she was - as they could only smell not see her. Her grandfather reappeared, leading her into a house where her grandmother resided.  The grandma asked if she was thirsty and thats when the girl noticed the water vessel was one from her village, one she had been given when she was alive during a festival. The old woman gave the young woman a piece of deer fat, which was something else she had received at the festival. The grandma explained her grandfather was her guide, because he was the last person she thought of as she died and he hurried to meet her crossing over. Peoples living thoughts are heard by the dead in the other realm.

image source

For whatever reason, coffin pool floats are a thing. 

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